Fundamentally, UHPLC is no different from conventional HPLC.
All of the same principles apply, only UHPLC uses higher pressure pumps, lower extra-column system volume, and so on. You can even use the same standard 4um column to qualify the UHPLC instrument. Whether you are qualifying a UHPLC or HPLC instrument, the Kit provides the same information in terms of detector/injector linearity, wavelength accuracy, precision, etc.
The HSQ™ kit protocol uses a flow rate of 2mL/min. Most UHPLC pumps should be able to achieve this high of a flow rate. If your instrument cannot, you can use a lower flow rate and still be able to obtain the same qualification information. Simply account for the longer analyte retention time using the lower flow rate.
The PQ™ kit and column can be used on any UPLC system. Even though UPLC’s are capable of higher pressures, the PQ column does not generate such high pressure, and will operate normally at the specified 2 mL/min. As long as the UPLC is capable of a 2 mL/min flow and about a 10uL injection volume, the PQ kit can be used to qualify the system. The various tests, such as injection precision, detector linearity, wavelength accuracy, etc. all will be valid for the UPLC systems. There is no need to use a small 1.7um particle or column in order to perform the testing.
On any given instrument, it might be necessary to adjust the injection volume, so as to produce the desired peak heights for a given detector. Other than such normal adjustments, the kit and column can be used as is for any UHPLC.
Click HERE for PQ & HSQ Kits for HPLC Ordering Information.