Alternate L1 Column used for the USP Assay Method of Tazobactam

This USP Tazobactam Assay was easily performed and the five injection overlay below demonstrates Run to Run consistency and Precision. The Peak Efficiency is very good and Peak Tailing guidelines are easily met.

This Application Note demonstrates a good Alternate Column for your Tazobactam USP Method.



Method Conditions:
Column: Cogent Hyper Similars C18™, 5um, 150Å.
Catalog No.: 62518-25P
Dimensions: 4.6mm x 250mm
Mobile Phase per USP: 1.32g Dibasic Ammonium Phosphate in 750mL of Water. Adjust to pH 2.5 with 5% v/v Phosphoric Acid and dilute with Water to 1000mL.  Add 30mL of Acetonitrile, mix, and filter through 0.2μm pore size.
Injection vol.: 20μL
Flow rate: 1.0mL / minute
Detection: UV @ 210nm
Sample Preparation: Tazobactam 50μg / mL in Mobile Phase

Note 1: Tazobactam is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is a penicillin antibiotic and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Note 2: The Cogent Hyper Similars C18™ performs very similarly to the Thermo Fisher Hypersil™ Columns or similar C18 Columns.